Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Thank you Dr. Greg Stamps

This month's Springfield Difference Maker is sponsored by Dr. Gregory Stamps, OB/GYN. Dr. Stamps, practices obstetrics and gynecology in Springfield, MO. Appointments can be made at Primrose OB/GYN. If you are considering becoming a sponsor for a SGFDM please send your contact details to sgfdifferencemakers@gmail.com. 

Previous Post: Sanctity of Human Life

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Sanctity of Human Life

The Pregnancy Care Center celebrates the Sanctity of Human Life all through the year, but January is especially a special time to celebrate. Here's a video that's a small reminder of how you make a big difference when you partner with PCC. Together 2012 can be better than ever!

Sanctity of Human Life 2012 from MasterPlan - OurCampaign Site on Vimeo.

Next Post: Thank You, Dr. Greg Stamps